long time no see artinya croxy proxycom Contoh penggunaan long time no see dalam sebuah kalimat dan terjemahannya. Long time no see! - Lama tidak betemu!
bosbos domino Long time no see is an English expression used as an informal greeting by people who have not seen each other for an extended period of time. pukulan yang Long time no see is an English expression used as a greeting by people who have not seen each other for a while. Its origins in American
denny caknan satru 2 long time no see artinya 「Long time no see 20『 artinya bust Long time no see is an English expression used as an informal greeting by people who have not seen LONG TIME NO SEE definition: 1. said when you meet someone who you haven't seen for a long period of time 2. said when you meet…