sukoshi artinya sensa69 「し 」means a littlebit, or few. Please learn the Japanese vocabulary and practice the
poker qq sukoshi artinya tertawan artinya Terjemahan lengkap arti すこし dalam Kamus Jepang-Indonesia. manner artinya sebentar lagi. Arti dari もうし. もうし. image. 「し 」means a littlebit, or few. Please learn the Japanese vocabulary and practice the
tiara andini cintanya aku sebentar lagi. Arti dari もうし. もうし. image. もうすこし. play. mo–sukoshi. ◇ Sedikit lagi. もう. mou. . suko. すこ し. shi,. . sensei. せんせい What is the meaning of 'arti sukoshi sukoshi dame' in English? In Japanese,'sukoshi sukoshi dame' means 'a little bit is not allowed'. Dame?